Stockmann Jumbo, Vantaa, Finland
5 500 sqm
Concept design, interior and shop fitting design in collaboration with Stockmann
Top 3 highlights
- Delivering first rate retail experience
- Created stand-out focal points for shop floor
- Focus on in-store services
Project team
- Stockmann
- Amerikka team: Jussi Salmivuori, Sami Maukonen, Matias Hietanen, Fred Ash, Tomi Jokinen, Bahareh Bastani
- Builder: Cruler Oy, Shop fitting: Expedit Oy, Karka Oy, Flooring: Laattamaailma Oy, Ceiling structures: Sisärakennustekniikka SRT Oy
Stockmann invests in shopping experience
The updated look for the Stockmann store at the Jumbo shopping centre in Vantaa complements the store’s new focus on fashion, cosmetics and home interiors. The key priority for this project was delivering a first-rate retail experience for shoppers: the store’s departments and featured brands are now clearly defined, product placement is aligned with their intended target audiences and in-store services are clearly highlighted. A series of surprising visual elements were incorporated into the new design with exciting, stand-out focal points added to the shop floor setting. These features are fully adaptable and customisable and lend themselves to a variety of uses. The store’s updated fitting rooms are visually stunning and easy to find and enhance shop floor flows to offer an entirely new experience for customers. With the traditional corridors removed, the Stockmann experience now begins on arrival at the shop front.

Stunning atrium space welcoming shoppers
The Jumbo Stockmann shopping experience begins in the new and updated atrium, where Stockmann now exerts an improved visual presence through brand-specific, in-store features and atmosphere. A new suspended ceiling with carefully thought-out lighting guides shoppers towards the store. A welcoming seating area, complete with green plants, was also added to the atrium. The double-height internal façades were updated to form a visually cohesive whole that allows Stockmann’s updated look to have a fuller impact within the shopping centre.